For Men. The original had a mango butter base and added a manly scent. Ingredients Saponified: lard, olive oil and soybean and a double helping of The Perfect Man scent. To smells like Suave for Men. The description says its a dupe of Bleu de Chanel. the ph registers at 7/8. each weighs 3oz or more. My brother says: "Nice. And the scent holds for a good while." Zac says: Written review of perfect man... tested by Zac Pence: "I'm a dude, I don't get into soap" *sniff* "OH, that smells GOOD! I'll definitely use this!" (Initial conversation) (One week later) "I've been using that soap since you gave it to me. I love the way it smells, and the scent lasts all day. It smells clean and manly. I never paid attention to my skin before, but I can tell my skin is softer. I even shaved with it because I noticed it has a real thick lather." <> this is a cologne scent.